What is workplace discrimination?

On Behalf of Griswold LaSalle Cobb Dowd & Gin LLP

A job is more than just something to do for workers in the Central Valley. It is a necessary component of living and supporting themselves and those that they love. Without paying employment, many individuals would not be able to provide for their own needs and help their dependents and loved ones.

Employment is a critical factor to self-sufficiency, but many California workers face threats to their employment from unfair and wrongful employment practices engaged in by their employers. One form wrongful employment practice that harms too many workers is discrimination. This post offers information on what constitutes workplace discrimination, but no part of it should be read as legal advice.

Types of workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination is a damaging practice that causes workers to lose employment opportunities, chances of being hired, and even face termination based on their inclusion in protected classes. It can take on many forms, from direct and over discrimination to practices that have disparate impacts on members of protected classes. A number of federal and state laws protect workers from these wrongs while on the job.

Protected classes of workers

Inclusion in a protected class is a part of many workplace discrimination claims. Across several different laws, protected classes include, but are not limited to, groups based on the following criteria: race, religion, age, disability, gender and national origin.

When a person is singled out at work for their inclusion in one of these classes and is subjected to discriminatory employment practices, they may have legal options for seeking relief from the damaging employment-based harm that they suffered.

What to do when facing workplace discrimination

There are no easy answers when a worker is facing discrimination while on the job. They have the right to speak to an employment law attorney about their situation. Their lawyer can counsel them on their options for seeking relief and the steps they must take to protect their employment.