Foundation Donation Application

  1. At this time, the Griswold LaSalle Community Foundation does not consider donations for sports team sponsorships. However, if you have requests for less than $100, please email your request without filling out the application to
  2. Write A Cover Letter. Include a one-page cover letter that includes the following:
    1. Name of the program
    2. Purpose of the program
    3. A strategic reason for the funder to consider the program.
    4. Amount requested.
    5. Time period of the program or project.
    6. Name of the contact person and contact information.
    7. Signed by the board president or requestee.
  3. Write A Narrative.
    Write a narrative that describes what you are seeking funding for.  Include dates, times, and the purpose.  Include any goals for the event/project/funds and how those will be measured.

  4. Provide Attachments.
    501(c)(3) status is not required.  However, if the organization does have 501(c)(3), please include the following attachments in the order indicated:
    1. IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
    2. Mission Statement
    3. Board of Directors List
    4. Copy of the IRS website showing recent 990 filings. (copies of the Form 990 are not required)
    5. Include any attachments needed to supplement your application answers.

Funding requests are considered on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st.  Please keep this in mind as a failure to submit timely may cause any funds to arrive after your event.

Donation Request Form