Agriculture Law

As 2022 begins, farmers must be aware of new California laws

January 10, 2022

For California farmers, there is often overlap in the fundamental needs of running their business. Labor laws, agricultural regulations and other basics for business compliance can be complicated and sometimes overwhelming. This is especially true when new laws are passed and go into effect. When a new year begins, laws passed in the previous year…

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Farmers may benefit from research about oil field wastewater

October 5, 2021

Farmers in the Central Valley of California can face a litany of challenges, many of which are unpredictable. That includes a lack of water because of an ongoing drought. Farmers needs to use a significant amount of water to function. Any source that can be effectively utilized and is deemed safe and efficient can be…

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Executive Order N-10-21’s Impact on the Central Valley

August 3, 2021

Going to the grocery store is about to get more expensive because of additional water restrictions that will likely affect your wallet.  As water usage is further limited, the supply of crops will be affected, and ultimately, you may see prices in the produce aisle go up. As we all know, California is in the…

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Five important facts about California drought aid

April 27, 2021

Most farmers in the Central Valley have had to deal with extreme drought the past several years. As California is the nation’s number one food supplier, the federal government is stepping in to help growers seek federal loans. There are some important points to this program that growers should know. All counties are eligible for…

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