Central Valley Legal Blog
A power of attorney is an essential component of every California resident’s estate planning repertoire. A principal appoints an agent or a number of agents to act on the principal’s behalf. POAs can be general, allowing the agent to make any decision or limited, in that the agent’s powers are restricted. Why is a POA…
Read MoreAs we approach the spring and summer months, more and more bicyclists will be out and about in Central Valley. Unfortunately, some of these bicyclists may suffer serious injuries in accidents involving motor vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 49,000 bicyclists were injured in motor vehicle accidents in 2019, a 4.3…
Read MoreChild support is important to many families, parents and children. Parents in California should know what child support expenses are for and how long child support payments need to be paid. What expenses are included in child support? When determining child support, certain types of expenses may be included when determining the child support calculation…
Read MoreThe efficacy and necessity of motorcycle helmets has been debated for a long time. Yet, research has shown time and again that those who wear a motorcycle helmet are better protected from serious injury in the event of an accident. But there’s still a lot of uncertainty out there about motorcycle helmet laws and how…
Read MoreMany things come to mind when one thinks of California. The state’s weather and natural resources make it an ideal place to live, visit and build a company. One notable industry that has settled in the state is wine. Vineyards have made their home in the state due to the ideal conditions for growing grapes…
Read MoreReal property is an asset for individuals in the Central Valley. From agricultural land to residential property, land and the structures on it can hold extensive actual and intrinsic value for those who own it. Many property owners take proactive steps to protect their tracts and properties from physical and financial harm. However, in some…
Read MoreSpousal support is an important form of financial payment that exists between formerly married people. It is often paid from a high earning party to their lower earning ex for a period of time during and after their divorce. Spousal support, also called alimony or spousal maintenance, allows a Californian with a low earning capacity…
Read MoreAny auto accident can cause catastrophic injuries and fatalities in the Central Valley and throughout California. Some people, however, are more vulnerable. When the collision involves cars or trucks, there is some layer of protection regardless of its severity. Motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians are not accorded this benefit. To make matters worse, some drivers choose…
Read MoreWhenever an estate has to go through the probate court, one of the first things that happens is that the court will appoint a personal representative, who may also be called an executor. This person, usually a family member or someone else close to the deceased, has an important job in the probate process. The…
Read MoreA police officer sees a car run a stop sign. The officer puts on lights and siren and pulls over the car to give the driver a ticket. During this traffic stop, the officer somehow finds evidence of illegal drugs in the driver’s possession. Now, the driver faces not only a ticket for running a…
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