Executive Order N-10-21’s Impact on the Central Valley

On Behalf of Griswold LaSalle Cobb Dowd & Gin LLP

Going to the grocery store is about to get more expensive because of additional water restrictions that will likely affect your wallet.  As water usage is further limited, the supply of crops will be affected, and ultimately, you may see prices in the produce aisle go up.

As we all know, California is in the middle of another drought, thus putting a strain on all water supplies.  As a result, two additional governmental actions have been taken.  First, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-10-21 calling on water users to voluntarily reduce their water use by 15%.

Additionally, the California State Water Resources Control Board issued notices to stop using certain water rights throughout the state. Water conditions are so dry that the Water Board has taken steps to curtail water uses, potentially decreasing food availability and increasing costs of remaining food.

All water users are asked to respond to water shortages being asked to voluntarily reduce their water use by 15% from their 2020 levels.

Included in the Executive Order were several conservation measures including:

  • Landscape irrigation efficiency.
  • Household appliance use efficiency.
  • Finding and fixing leaks.
  • Installing low flow faucets and showerheads.
  • Avoid hand washing a car.

The Central Valley is of course home to the most productive agriculture crops accounting for a large share of fruits and vegetables consumed in the United States. Farmers, agricultural cooperatives, municipal utility districts, water control and improvement districts, special utility districts and river authorities in the state of California can be affected.

Griswold LaSalle attorneys are here to assist members of the public and private sector comply with both voluntary water conservation efforts, notices to stop using certain water rights, and any additional measures on the horizon.